List of General Concerns

Looking to treat a specific symptom or concern about something? StoneIWC treats a variety of symptoms, ailments, and general concerns.

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Muscle Tension

Muscle tension refers to the condition in which muscles of the body remain semi-contracted for an extended period. Muscle tension is typically caused by the physiological effects of stress, bad posture, and/or repetitive motion.


Cellulite results from an interaction between the connective tissue in the dermatological layer that lies below the surface of the skin, and the layer of fat that is just below it. A buildup of cellulite can look like wrinkles or puckered skin. Most common where fat generally develops such as the legs.


Circulation of the bodily fluids, the body circulates fluid to transport nutrients and toxins in and out of the body. When the body’s fluids circulate correctly everything is good.  But when the body’s fluid circulation slows and becomes stagnant nutrients and oxygen do not reach the cells sufficiently.  Excess fluid that contains the cells’ waste by-products, dead cells, malignant cells, harmful bacteria, and viruses cannot be expelled.


Facia Manipulation

Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, and muscle in place. When the fascia is stressed due to injury, repetitive motion, poor diet, or dehydration it tightens up and can become constrictive. When this happens, it can cause poor circulation, pain, or weakness in muscles or lowered flexibility.

Toxin Removal

Toxins are found in everything that is manufactured, the medicines, food, water, even in the air we breathe. We are surrounded by synthetic chemicals that can build up and become harmful. When our bodies are healthy and functioning properly, our bodies can effectively deal with a fair amount of daily toxicity.  However, it is when a toxic overload occurs and/or our bodies are not functioning correctly problems start to occur. Some problems may be fatigue, weakness, depression or mood swings, cancer, or pain.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is something many desire but many struggle with. StoneIWC has many treatments that can help with weight loss. Schedule an appointment with StoneIWC to find a treatment that works for you and your body.

Acute or Chronic Pain

Pain can be caused by a number of things and taking large amounts of medicine for pain relief may not be beneficial but harmful in the long run. Here at StoneIWC we treat not only pain relief but also the root cause to stop and prevent future pain.

Fatigue or Weakness

Feeling overly tired even with the appropriate amount of sleep? Weakness in the bones or muscles yet haven’t had any injuries or surgeries as of late? Sudden or chronic fatigue or weakness in the bones or muscle can be cause by a number of factors. StoneIWC has a variety of treatments that can strengthen your body and give you immediate energy to reduce fatigue and weakness in the body.

Mood Swings

Mood swings may be caused by hormonal issues or a toxic buildup. StoneIWC has treatments that can help promote good circulation and flush out toxins to reduce mood swings.


Acute or Chronic Depression

Depression can be cause by a number of factors such as hormonal imbalance or an influx of toxicity in the body. StoneIWC has many treatments that can help promote good circulation and flush out the toxicity to reduce depressive moods and relax the body.

Weak or Weakened Immune System

A weakened immune system can cause a number of problems such as higher sensitivity or suceptibility to viruses and illnesses, a slower recovery rate, or heighten stress levels.

Enhanced Allergies

Enhanced allergies may be cause by imbalances in the body and can range from mild to severe. StoneIWC has treatments that promote good circulation and help reduce allergic symptoms and possibly stop allergic reactions entirely.

Tourette’s Syndrome

StoneIWC treats a variety of concerns. Our treatments help relax the body and cleanse the body of toxins that may cause muscle spasms. Contact us for more information.


CVI is short for chronic venous insufficiency. Problems caused by CVI could be blood clots, poor circulation or high blood pressure. Here at StoneIWC we have a variety of treatments dedicated to treating CVI.

Ingrown Nails

Having ingrown nails is very common, most common in the toes but does appear in the hands as well. Treating ingrown nails is very important in helping with pain relief, swelling and poor circulation. StoneIWC has many treatments to help treat and prevent ingrown nails.


Calcium Deposit

Having calcium buildup in the toes can be very painful and it is important to treat it as soon as possible. StoneIWC has treatments for both the hand and feet for calcium deposit.


Fungus on the body can be cause by bacteria infection and natural dirtiness. Having fungus could cause pain, inflammation, or poor circulation, including other things in the affected area, and help promote illnesses and diseases from the bacteria buildup. StoneIWC has treatments that can treat and clean the fungus, preventing future fungus.


TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction. TMJ can cause pain and stiffness in the affected joints. StoneIWC has treatments that can help relax the joints and reduce pain.

Hammer Toe

Hammer toe is an abnormality in the joint of the toe. It can cause pain and discomfort due to the shape of the abnormality. Here are StoneIWC, we have a variety of services that help treat hammer toe.

Respiratory System

Shortness of breath or difficulties breathing? Problems in the lungs? StoneIWC is able to relax the body and help reduce difficulties in breathing and cleanse the body of toxins that may be blocking the lungs from properly working.

Cardiovascular System

Palpitations of the heart or problems with blood pressure? Worrying about potential heart problems? StoneIWC has treatments that help relax the body and promote good circulation and cleanse the body of toxins to help prevent future heart problems and help strengthen the heart.


Skeletal Pain

Aches and pains in the bones? Feeling stiffness or reduced flexibility in the joints? StoneIWC is able to reduce pain and help promote good bone structure and strength. We have a variety of treatments that help relax the body and reduce stiffness in the joints.

Muscle Pain

Painful muscle cramps or muscle spasms? StoneIWC has a variety of treatments that help relax the body, provide pain relief, and reduce muscle spasms.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Stomach or digestive problems could be caused by an imbalance of nutrients or the buildup of toxins. Eating certain foods over others may help in preventing gastrointestinal problems as well. StoneIWC works to help flush out toxins and create nutritional meal plans for each client to prevent digestive problems and strengthen the digestive system.

Reproductive Problems

Possible miscarriages, lack of conceiving, and other reproductive problems may be caused by a build-up of toxins related to stress and anxiety. Inflammation of the reproductive organs can also affect reproductive success. StoneIWC works to flush out and cleanse the body, strengthening the immune system, and promoting natural healing to help improve the reproductive system.

Skin Condition

Scar tissue from past surgeries, moles, warts, spider veins, and other skin imperfections can be treated with our specialty modalities and our specialty skincare products for beautiful and flawless skin. Acne and breakouts could be caused by one’s environment and one’s dietary habits. StoneIWC has a number of different acne treatments and we work with our client to create a meal plan that supports their health and wellness.

Hair Loss/ Hair Growth

Male Pattern Baldness, or general baldness is common among most men, some being affected as early as their teen years. Women can also suffer from hairloss because of genetic disposition, diseases, and ailments, or even as a side effect from treatments such as chemotherapy. Hair loss can also be affected by diet, stress levels, and environmental damage. StoneIWC has a number of different hair loss treatments and we work with our client to identify and target the underlying issues and improve their lifestyle.